Social Networking
It seems there has been set a fashion to join one or the other social circle; face book, buzz, being some of them. Orkut which was very popular earlier seems to have given way to other sites. It’s a matter of surprise how busy people find time to share their views on these sites. Is it due to bankruptcy of creative ideas for good work? I don't know. It may be too early for me to comment like that. One needs to think why one needs such association. Are some of the site managers (excluding the reputed ones) misusing these sites to promote their interests and encourage their members to increase their following so as to serve their nefarious designs to carry out illegal work of fishing information? Quite often, invitations are sent to the unknown or related people on behalf of their members without their consent. Is this not violation of ethical morality?
I don't know who shall read my mind. But let me check up if someone exists (other than of course GOD who reads everything) who can comment.