Important quality KNOWLEDGE
Let us discuss about the 6th godly quality the ‘Knowledge’.
It is very necessary to understand that, I am not only a body but a soul/ an energy / Same as God’s energy having all the basic qualities same as God. Difference between “I” and “God” is the power or capacities.
God, Almighty is having infinite potential or Power. I, the soul, is having limited power and need to get energised through Almighty which is an eternal source of energy.
We have to come out of body consciousness to understand the nature of soul. Because of body consciousness which is same as an Ego, we fail to explore our true potentials. Body is definitely important since we cannot do anything without body. But, it is the soul, basic energy, Atma or Chaitanyashakti behind the body which gives the required directions to body and get things done. This, Soul or Atma is the programer and it gets the charge from the Almighty during our tuning to God. We get exhausted if we do not charge this soul through tuning or meditation intermittently or continuously. Body needs food for charging or the energy requirements and rest, but soul needs connection to Almighty for charging. Basically, soul we can consider as consisting of 3 facets: Mind, Intellect and Memory or Habit patterns or Sanskars.
Mind does the work of thinking, Intelect takes decisions based on past experience or habits and the process is followed by attitude and actions. Based on the results of actions we collect the Experience which forms our Sanskars or habit patterns in this birth.
There are 5 types of Sanskars:
1. Soul Sanskars or Original Qualities associated with God’s qualities. Power, Purity, Happiness........etc.
2. Sanskars /experiences gathered in all earlier births.
3. Hereditary Sanskars given by our Parents through Genes and childhood teachings.
4. Environmental Sanskars or Sanskars gathered by us through experiences in this Birth.
5. Sanskars or programs created gin our minds by our conscious Willpower.
This is how Soul works through these 3 facets.
We should understand that this is the real knowledge or Atmadnyan Or Gyan.
Ok. Let us stop for the day.
Basically we must remember that we are made up of all these Sanskars, which make our habit patterns and our Personality.
When we meet a new Person, we see all these things in him and form impressions about him. It is not only body but the whole person as we experience the personality.
Have a nice day 😊.