Use of Powers cont’d.........
Power to tolerate is that power which helps us keeping cool and not reacting to a situation or person in front of us. We can think over and then respond appropriately at right time rather than reacting instantaneously. It also teaches us that if we are getting worked up with a situation it indicates that our capacity to cope up is less. Hence, we should increase our capacity to cope up with the situation rather than getting annoyed. If we fail in tolerating the situation and express lack of patience, we shall be the loosers. Nothing is permanent. Good or bad days are temporary. We must be patient in our own interest.
Symbol for visualising this power is "A young boy throwing stone at the fruit on the tree". The tree doesn't react irrespective of how often he throws the stone. Boy also keeps on throwing till he succeeds. His patience pays in the long run. Tree is supposed to give fruits. So it bears the attack.Thus, power to tolerate should be exercised for keeping cool and waiting for the right time in due course.
Next power is Power to accept. We all have this power as well. But we don't use it. Our Ego comes in the way of acceptance. By not accepting and showing intolerance, situation is not going to change. Situation can change, if we accept, prepare, and then make efforts with some concrete actions to counter the situation. Thus, power to accept helps us in mentally preparing us to look into the resources, gather and then counter with full power. This way we can succeed. If we don't accept, we can't counter.
One thing we must bear in our minds that, we are actually accepting the person responsible for the situation, since he is also a pure soul but not accepting his wrong deeds which resulted in the adverse situation needing corrective action.
Symbol for visualisation is rivers going to Ocean. Ocean accepts everything that comes through the rivers but, later throws the dirt from the river back on the shore and takes water. Thus, we also have to accept the adverse situation for the time being and then prepare the corrective action plan in future.
Let us stop here for the day. Next powers to be discussed are: Power to discern and Power to judge.
Have a nice day.