Use of Powers within to conquer Vices

Today, we shall discuss about the powers within us which we can use to remove the vices within us. One thing one must understand that these vices have been created by me in my mind. Hence, it is possible for me to remove these vices. In fact, it is in my hands to use the powers within to stop these vices from entering my mind. If already created, I can remove them by replacing with some good qualities within us or acquired Sanskars through my willpower. 

Let us now discuss regarding the powers within us. 

Totally, there are eight main powers. Ninth power, Willpower, can be used to ignite these eight powers through the energy  from Almighty during meditation by tuning to God. 

Eight powers within us are: Power to Withdraw etc.enlisted earlier. Let us see the details: 

1. Power to Withdraw. In the given situation in front of us, a weak soul allows the vices to enter the mind or creates the particular vice in the mind like anger, or greed, or hatred etc. depending on the situation. If we withdraw our mind from the situation we shall safeguard ourselves. e.g. (or as a symbol to remember), A delicate tortoise safeguards itself by withdrawal and going inside the hard strong shell from any dangers noticed. 

2. Power to Pack up or Let go. 

After mental withdrawal from the adverse situation, it becomes easier to know exactly the vice created within in the given  situation. This will also help us to release the certain power within to counter the vice created. e.g. If you have created anger within you in the adverse situation, you can try to release the Power to tolerate within us and Knowledge within us which can replace anger. Knowledge will tell you why you have become angry; may be because you were expecting something to happen one way but it didn't happen that way. Thus, your "Ego" got hurt. There may be more than one vice created during a particular situation.  You can counter each of them. Symbol or example to remember is a Trunk and a Holdol which we used to use in old days during traveling. Trunk can store long term or heavy articles and Holdol for light easy to take out articles. "Knowledge in Trunk and Sanskars in Holdol". If we have to get down abruptly in the journey due to some reason, we should be prepared with our Trunk and Holdol OR Knowledge and Sanskars. 'Let go' means we can forget and forgive the soul which we feel as responsible for the adverse situation and also forgive ourselves. That soul has behaved in that fashion due to his Sanskars and I have created anger due to my Sanskars. But Originally, that soul also is Pure like me. 

This way, one can take care of oneself in an adverse situation. This will need practice and cannot happen next day since our Sanskars are deep rooted. 

Let us stop here for the day. Next session, we shall discuss next of the powers: Power to tolerate and power to accept. 

Have a nice day.


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