
I thank Brahmhakmaris Vishwa Vidyalay, Jeevan Vidya Mission, Various information sources in the media like Radio TV etc., our colleagues, friends , relatives and near ones and various others for inspiration behind this write up not to forget the Almighty who actually helped in carrying out the actual act.



God   i.e. Almighty is an energy or potential in the form of Bliss and expressed through Soul via Consciousness.

Oh God, Please grant me the Serenity to accept the things which I can’t change; Courage to change the things which I CAN (for the better) and the Wisdom to know the difference.

Oh God, I take the responsibility for All the things happening in this world, at least partly to some extent due to my acts of commission & / or omissions knowingly or unknowingly. I take the responsibility. I am responsible.

I am sorry for the evil acts committed by me, through me, knowingly or unknowingly and also Sorry for the unperformed good acts. I am sorry. Please forgive me, accept me.

Thank you for forgiving me, accepting me, keeping me alive and giving me the right energy to improve on my performance. Thank you.

I love you.


Om Shanti Shanti Shanti!!!


कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मी, करमध्ये सरस्वती,

करमुले तु गोविन्दम्, प्रभाते करदर्शनम् II




Listing below seven Qualities or attributes of God/Almighty.

1. Power. God is an energy or potential. We can think of God as a source of Power.

2. Purity.  God is Energy in the purest form. So, God’s another quality is Purity. God is free from all vices.
3. Third quality of God is Happiness. God always finds Happiness in all the things as they are (Samadhan). It’s like positive attitude.
4. Fourth quality is Love. God always transmits Loveful vibrations in all the situations and to all the people.

5. Fifth quality is Peace. Peace in any and every situation.
God is Knowledge. This needs some explanation. It is the knowledge about: Who am I. It is knowledge that everyone is basically a Soul having 3 facets: Mind, Intellect, and Memories or Sanskars. One should be aware that we are not only a body but basically energy or Soul consisting of 3 facets spelt out earlier. This is the Real knowledge. We all are having all the basic qualities of God the Almighty and get the energy from Almighty. And God is supreme having all the knowledge about everything. So, God is Knowledge.

7. Last basic quality of God is Bliss. It is the ultimate happiness which is independent of materialistic gains or physical pleasure. It is independent of sense organs and is probably the good feeling associated with some good work. It’s probably the most difficult to explain or imagine but is the Essence of God or Godly qualities. Since, God is not having any Body; it is free from physical attachments or pleasure. It is happiness in ultimate form. That’s Bliss.

Every one of us is basically having all the godly qualities in ´ I `, the soul, but due to prior conditioning of mind, consider ourselves differently.
So, to Summarise, God is Power, Purity, Happiness, Love, Peace, Knowledge and Bliss.  
Aham Brahmhasmi!!!


Let us discuss about some important aspects of some of the Seven Qualities of God which we all have since “I the soul” is nothing but the same energy i.e. God the Almighty.


There are eight different Powers which we all have and should be used by us to destroy or overcome the Vices within us.
1. Power to withdraw
2. Power to let go or pack up
3. Power to tolerate
4. Power to accept
5. Power to discern
6. Power to judge
7. Power to face
8. Power to cooperate
9th power Willpower or God’s power: When we are tuned to Almighty, this power helps us release all these 8 powers within us.



Above 9 Powers should be used to overcome or conquer the 10 Vices or ´Vikars´ within us which occasionally come up when the situation is favorable for them.


10 Vices within us:
1. Lust
2. Anger
3. Greed
4. Attachment
5. Ego
6. Jealousy
7. Unfair Competition
8. Hatred
9. Fear
10. Depression

During our meditation, we should try to tune to Almighty energy and get ourselves charged with God’s Qualities which can help us remove or overcome the vices within us and help us emerge as a Pure Soul. One important aspect which needs to be remembered while making efforts for emerging as a pure soul by using Powers to overcome vices: Various vices mentioned earlier are our creations. If we maintain a healthy, happy, peaceful Mind, these vices will not be allowed to enter such mind. So, it’s our responsibility not to allow these vices to spoil the healthy atmosphere of our mind. Also, out of all the vices, if we can take care of our EGO, other vices shall be easily and automatically controlled.
And EGO is an attachment to a wrong image or false belief about me.

When we are able to remove all the vices within ourselves, we get emerged as a Pure Soul. God, Almighty is always only in pure form. God, Almighty is never born nor destroyed. God is Eternal. Since, God doesn’t take birth in bodily form; it cannot acquire sins or vices and hence always remains only in pure energy form. We should also try to be free from vices by continuously cleansing ourselves through meditation and using our powers. God, almighty, the energy cannot do anything on Own.  God has created the nature and all life. We are God’s creation. God needs us to do physical activities. Energy itself cannot do anything unless energy is able to act on something. We help god in getting things done. We do the things after we get the required energy from God.

Happiness: We should inculcate this property in whatever we do. We should always remain happy wherever we are and whatever we are doing. We can experience Happiness through our sense organs when we get these signals from our sense organs transmitted to our Brain. The good feelings created there give us experience of Happiness.

Love: We should always be transmitting only loveful vibrations irrespective of the person or situation in front of us. Whatever we transmit, we get back similar vibrations. This doesn’t mean that we should not do our duties. Even if duties are not pleasant, we still have to do the duty. But, we should do even the unpleasant work if the purpose of that unpleasant work is to make results pleasant for others in the long run. At the back of mind, we should be sending loveful vibrations only e.g. a person in defence services may have to do unpleasant tasks like killing. But, if the end result or purpose of the war is peace or justice; defence person has to do his duty of killing the enemy.

Peace: We should remain peaceful in whatever situation we are in. Situation can be favourable or unfavourable. But, if we are peaceful, we can face the situation better. If we are not peaceful we cannot use all our tools available with us wisely to tackle the situation and solve the problems successfully.

It is very necessary to understand, ´´I am not only a body but a soul / an energy/ Same as God’s energy having all the basic qualities same as God. Difference between “I” and “God” is the quantum of power or capacities. God, Almighty is having an infinite potential or Power. I, the soul, am /am having limited power and need to get energised through Almighty which is an eternal source of energy. We have to come out of body consciousness to understand the nature of soul. Because of body consciousness which is same as an Ego, we fail to explore our true potentials. Body is definitely important since we cannot do anything without body. But, it is the soul, basic energy, Atman or Chaitanyashakti behind the body which gives the required directions to body and get things done. This, Soul or Atman is the programmer and it gets the charge from the Almighty during our tuning to God. We get exhausted if we do not charge this soul through tuning or meditation intermittently or continuously. Body needs food for charging or the energy requirements and rest but soul needs connection to Almighty for charging. Basically, Soul, we can consider as consisting of 3 facets: Mind, Intellect and Memory or Habit patterns / Sanskars.
Mind does the work of thinking, Intellect takes decisions based on past experience or habits and the process is followed by actions. Based on the results of actions we collect the Experience which forms our Sanskars or habit patterns in this birth.

There are 5 types of Sanskars:
1. Soul Sanskars or Seven Original Qualities associated with God’s qualities. Power, Purity, Happiness........etc.
2. Sanskars / experiences gathered in all earlier births
3. Hereditary Sanskars given by our Parents through Genes and childhood teachings in this Birth
4. Environmental Sanskars or Sanskars gathered by us through experiences in this Birth.
5. Sanskars or programs created in our minds by our conscious Willpower.
This is how Soul works through these 3 facets. We should understand that this is the real Knowledge or Atmadnyan or Gyan.

Basically we must remember that we are made up of all these Sanskars, which make our habit patterns and our Personality. When we meet a new Person, we see all these things in him and form impressions about him. It is not only body but the whole person as we experience the personality.

Before we come to this last remaining quality of God Bliss, let us recapitulate what we have discussed so far. We have, so far, tried to know little bit about seven Godly qualities: Energy (Potential/Power), Purity, Happiness, Love, Peace, Knowledge and finally Bliss which we are yet to cover.
It’s quite interesting and important that we understand these qualities and try to adopt them. Actually they are our natural qualities existing within us supported by Almighty. But we are not aware.
They are important because they are also related to 7 systems in our body. In the same sequence enlisted above, they individually influence 7 systems in the body viz.
1. Bones and Muscle system
2. Excretory system
3. Stomach and Digestive system
4. Heart and Circulation system
5. Lungs and Respiratory system
6. Brain and Nervous system
7. Endocrine system controlling the Hormones in the body.

When we lack in some quality due to our Sanskars, we develop certain blocks in good functioning of related system, thus developing disease in some organ of that system. Seven basic colours in VIBGYOR are also associated with these seven systems in reverse order: Red for Power, Orange for Purity and so on and Violet for Bliss corresponding to Endocrine system. Let us now try to understand Bliss.


BLISS: The most important quality of Almighty. I cannot say confidently that I have understood Bliss completely. I can only say that Bliss is something very important but very difficult to understand or imagine. Happiness and Bliss are Similar but still very different. Happiness is more related to materialistic pleasures Or Physical pleasures which depend on Physical senses. Bliss is something beyond the sense organs and experienced in mind. In vernacular language we can say it’s “Ateendriya Sukh”.
I have tried to simplify Bliss for myself in this way. You may devise another way to understand Bliss or you can adopt my way till then. When we adopt the Godly qualities like Happiness, peace, love etc and make efforts for achieving certain Goal in life, we do get success. This mental satisfaction of achieving even a small step in our goal direction felt mentally is Blissful.
We should continue this journey towards our goal step by step and enjoy the process of achieving. Not only the destination but this path or journey is beautiful, joyful and blissful. It’s very important to have some ultimate goal or Purpose for our life so that we can achieve this Blissfulness during our journey towards this destination. This pleasant Journey is Bliss. Also, when we reach our goal or destination, it’s Blissful.


After understanding, different qualities of Almighty, let us now think about some of the vices within us which block our release of potential. We have to use our godly qualities and powers to delete these vices which we create ourselves within our mind.
We have considered one very important and deadly vice “EGO” which we understood as an attachment to a false image or belief about me.
Once, this is understood, it becomes easier to delete any other vice. Knowledge helps in overcoming “Ego”.

Next dominant vice is Anger. Anger can ruin the best of the opportunities available in life. It spoils our mental peace, creates health problems also spoils relations. Anger also makes permanent damages and makes life miserable. Unfortunately, we fail to understand that like other vices, this is also created by us. We quite often say that Situation made me become Angry. But real thing is we always have a choice how to respond to the situation. We should never react immediately but try to control ourselves and respond after weighing the pros and cons. Every action will have a reaction and situation can get from bad to worse with inappropriate instantaneous reaction to the situation. Instead, it is within our hands to correct the course of happenings by proper response to a situation with our thought process and help ourselves.
Main reasons for anger are: Our expectations from a particular person or in a given situation and our inability to cope up if the expectations are not fulfilled.
If we understand that the person in front of you also is basically originally a pure soul and has behaved in a particular way due to his habit patterns or Sanskars, we shall be able to separate the person and the action. This will help us stop creating Anger towards the person. Regarding the situation, if we understand that the situation in front of us is also usually a reaction of what our actions were in the past, we shall try to improve our actions in future and create good destiny for ourselves. Let us remove the Anger from our life by all means to help ourselves. It is in our hands. We shall discuss about the powers within us which we can use to remove the vices within us. One thing one must understand that these vices have been created by us in our minds.  Hence, it is possible for us to remove these vices. In fact, it is in our hands to use the powers within to stop these vices from entering our minds. If already created, we can remove them by replacing them with some good qualities within us or acquired Sanskars through our willpower.


Let us now discuss regarding the Powers within us.
Totally, there are eight main powers. Ninth power, Willpower, can be used to ignite these eight powers through the energy from Almighty during meditation by tuning to God.
Eight powers within us are: Power to Withdraw etc.enlisted earlier. Let us see the details:

1. Power to Withdraw:  In the given situation in front of us, a weak soul allows the vices to enter the mind or creates the particular vice in the mind like anger, or greed, or hatred etc. depending on the situation. If we withdraw our mind from the situation or thinking pattern or thought regarding the situation, we shall safeguard ourselves. e.g. (or as a symbol to remember) A delicate tortoise safeguards itself by withdrawal and going inside the hard strong shell from any dangers noticed.


2. Power to Pack up or Let go: After mental withdrawal from the adverse situation, it becomes easier to know exactly the vice created in the given situation. This will also help us release certain power within us to counter the vice created. e.g. If you have created anger within yourself in the adverse situation, you can try to release the Power to tolerate within us and Knowledge within us which can replace anger. Knowledge will tell you why you have become angry; may be because you were expecting something to happen one way but it didn't happen that way. Thus, YOU were Hurt. There may be more than one vice created during a particular situation. You can counter each of them. Symbol for example to remember is a Trunk and a Hold all which we used to use in old days during travelling. Trunk can store long term or heavy articles and Hold all for light easy to take out articles. "Knowledge in Trunk and Sanskars in Hold all" is a symbol for this power. If we have to get down abruptly in the journey due to some reason, we should be prepared with our Trunk and Holdall OR Knowledge and Sanskars. 'Let go' means we can forget and forgive the soul which we feel as responsible for the adverse situation and also forgive ourselves. That soul has behaved in that fashion due to his Sanskars and I have created anger due to my Sanskars. But originally, that soul also is Pure like me.
This way, one can take care of oneself in an adverse situation. This will need practice and cannot happen next day since our Sanskars are deep rooted.

3. Power to tolerate: It is that power which helps us keeping cool and not reacting to a situation or person in front of us. We can think over and then respond appropriately at right time rather than reacting instantaneously. It also teaches us that if we are getting worked up with a situation it indicates that our capacity to cope up is less. Hence, we should increase our capacity to cope up with the situation rather than getting annoyed. If we fail in tolerating the situation and express lack of patience, we shall be the losers. Nothing is permanent. Good or bad days are temporary. We must be patient in our own interest.
Symbol for visualizing this power is "A young boy throwing stone at the fruit on the tree". The tree doesn't react irrespective of how often he throws the stone. Boy also keeps on throwing till he succeeds. His patience pays in the long run. Tree is supposed to give fruits. So it bears the attack. Thus, power to tolerate should be exercised for keeping cool and waiting for the right time in due course.


4. Power to accept: We all have this power as well. But we don't use it. Our Ego comes in the way of acceptance.
By not accepting and showing intolerance, situation is not going to change. Situation can change, if we accept, prepare, and then make efforts with some concrete actions to counter the situation. Thus, power to accept helps us in mentally preparing us to look into the resources, gather and then counter with full power. This way we can succeed. If we don't accept, we can't counter.
One thing we must bear in our minds that, we are actually accepting the person responsible for the situation, since he is also a pure soul but not accepting his wrong deeds which resulted in the adverse situation needing corrective action. Symbol for visualization is Rivers going to Ocean. Ocean accepts everything that comes through the rivers but, later throws the dirt from the river back on the shore and takes water. Thus, we also have to accept the adverse situation for the time being and then prepare the corrective action plan in future.

5. Power to discern: We have already discussed power to accept. But we should know what to accept. Also, the acceptance is within our mind. Power to discern tells us that we don't have any control over the past things. We simply can't do anything about them. They have already happened. So, we have to accept them. But, we can learn from the past mistakes, take care and prevent such actions in future. This learning is entirely in our hands. Past things shall impact our present and future. But, we should not keep on complaining about it. We have to face the results of the past mistakes and we should accept these results as well. But, if we are able to take some corrective actions which are in our hands, our future life could be better. We must know what is in our hands and what is not. Power to discern tells us from our past experiences what is in our hands. It also tells us the emotions created in our mind when we face a situation or a person. Depending on the feelings created in the mind we can decide whether we want a repeat of such a feeling or no. So, we understand what a pleasant feeling is and what an ill feeling is. Power to discern will tell us which actions are in our hands which we need to take in a given situation to avoid ill feelings in future. We have to use our knowledge, experience and wisdom to differentiate with a clear mind. Symbol for this power to discern is "Goldsmith" who can immediately tell us the quality of the gold after checking it with a special stone. Thus, power to discern will tell us what to accept, what is in our hands, what are the feelings created in our mind and shall also help us to choose the proper corrective action.


6. Power to Judge: This power will tell us whether we should go ahead finally with the decision which we are inclined to implement after using the power to discern. Thus, power to discern and power to judge go together hand in hand. Power to judge guides us whether we have all the required capabilities or tools to implement the decision. If we are ill-equipped, it suggests us not to go ahead with the decision. It also gives us the time and opportunity to study critically and scientifically. Science helps us to take proper decision after weighing pros and cons. To stop going ahead is also a decision. It allows us to prepare better. Sometimes, not to take a decision immediately is also a decision. It protects us from accidents or adverse results. Thus, power to discern and power to judge are essential for our survival and wellbeing. Symbol for this power to judge for remembrance is a "Balance". We should take a decision with unbiased mind in a balanced state.

7. Power to face: This power gives us that capacity to use other powers and finally execute the challenging job or face a critical situation. If we have built our capabilities appropriately, it should not be difficult to face any challenge or situation ourselves or at least with cooperation from others. Most difficult thing to face in life is losing someone very close to us or our own death.
We have to remember that nobody is immortal. But the SOUL is. Everything material will be destroyed sometime or other. But soul shall remain and carry with it all the basic qualities and knowledge in the form of Sanskars. Thus, we should console ourselves with this understanding that the soul has left the worn out body and shall re-emerge in the new body. We (our souls) have to take care of the body till the end to make good use of the life. But at the end of it soul shall re-emerge in new body. That is unavoidable some day. If we are prepared for this worst which can happen, other situations are not difficult to face. Symbol for power to face is "Dead Body on a bed".


8. Power to cooperate: After successfully facing the difficult situation, we should share our experiences with others for the benefit of all. Though, everyone has to learn from one's own experience, certain things can be learned from other's experiences as well; e.g. one doesn't have to learn oneself that if you fall down from a high altitude, you are likely to get severely injured and may die. But, if you happen to fall from a height and are able to save yourself due to some headgear or soft mattress on ground, this will be an experience to share with those who don't know about it, may be children. Thus sharing is important. Next time, they may be able to lay a mattress on the ground and co-operate with someone to save him from getting injured. He may seek their cooperation. Thus, power to face and power to co-operate are very important for learning experiences. All the tools are useful only if we use them. Symbol for power to co-operate is Lord Krishna lifting Gowardhan Mountain with little finger to co-operate and save his mates from heavy rains.
Now, we shall discuss regarding my feelings about the God, the Supreme power, the Almighty.
For persons with logical, rational, scientific mind, the concept of God may be little difficult to understand or digest. They may consider it as Andhashraddha. "You can't see, hear, touch, smell or taste a thing and still you want us to believe its existence?” ....... They may question.
For their imagination of something invisible like God, following may be useful.
Science tells us the existence of energy. We have studied in our schools or colleges the Laws of Gravity, Electricity and Magnetism.
We aren't able to see or hear or touch these fields. They aren't materials. They are energy fields. We see their results but not them. These fields are ever existent. They are natural and exist everywhere. Quantum or intensity, frequency, harmonics may vary but they always exist. When the environment is conducive, results are noticed. For an example, Newton observed the falling apple. He explained the concept of gravity. But Gravity always existed even before that. When two material things are reasonably close, or sufficiently big we observe the gravitational attractive force. Planets move around the Sun. Similarly, if we allow passing the current through the bulb via conductor, we see the light. On a stormy night, we observe the lightening due to spark in clouds and Earth. But Electricity or electric potential (Energy field concept) always existed even when there was no visible lightening or spark.
Similarly, we see the magnet attracting iron particles. But Magnetic field always existed. We can't see the fields but the results of energy fields are noticeable. God, almighty, we can consider as a combination of basically the three ever-existent fields, the undeniable fact. These fields by themselves can't do anything. But given the environment, they do wonders: Planets revolve around the Sun; Lightening is visible on a stormy night; Earth axis is inclined in a particular direction - towards the North Star. These are the big visible results though the power behind them is not visible. Our Soul also is a combination of these three ever existent fields within our body. These fields do wonders in our body from the seat of the soul. Body functions well when these fields are properly aligned and oriented. Through meditation, our soul gets energized, aligned, and oriented towards Almighty the Source of these fields. When the soul leaves the body due to the worn out body, the person dies since there is no energy provided from the Almighty though the bones, flesh, blood is there. The soul works through mind, intellect and the Sanskars the three facets of Ataman.
Mind (Related to Gravity) is creative in thoughts and ideas; Intellect (Related to Electricity) takes decisions with the help of Sanskars; Actions give results and form impressions or Sanskars (Memory related to Magnetism). Hope, this is making some sense now. Almighty, the three energy fields, Soul (Mind, intellect, Sanskars) are eternal, ever existent, invisible but can't be denied. God is within all of us. Aham "Brahmasmi".

Now, Let us discuss regarding Virtues, Vices and Powers in little more depth.


Virtues: Power, Purity, Happiness, Love, Peace, Knowledge and Bliss. These are our true original qualities which we already possess.


Vices: Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Ego, Jealousy, (Unfair) Competition, Hatred, Fear and Depression.

Powers: Power to: Withdraw, let go, tolerate, accept, discern, judge, face and cooperate. We use these powers to emerge as a PURE SOUL removing the vices created by us.

We have noted all these earlier. We also know that after withdrawing from the scene or situation mentally, we are in a better equipped state to understand, think, decide and act judiciously to face the situation. By using power to discern, we come to know exactly which vices we have created in our minds. After knowing that, we can use some appropriate power or virtue to counter the vice. Finally, we have to replace the vice permanently with some good Sanskar in the form of Virtue. In this fashion, it is possible to eliminate the vices and transform ourselves towards a pure Soul. Broadly, if we are able to take care of our EGO, all other vices can be easily controlled or countered. If we really understand that attachment to a false image or belief about oneself is Ego, We shall be able to get away from the body consciousness and help ourselves consider as a Soul controlling the body and remove our Ego.

But why do we want to remove any vice? Basically we all are pure souls to begin with. But due to body consciousness, we get covered or engulfed with various vices surrounding our souls and this cover changes our true original Nature and form a different personality or habit pattern in our mind. This personality comes in the way of our real progress. It creates bad impressions, spoils relationships and affects our physical and mental health. So, it is in our own interests to get rid of these vices and emerge as a pure soul.

If we consider individual vices, we can find one or more powers or Virtues useful for removing any vice, e.g. Lust can be taken care of with Purity, Knowledge and Bliss. Anger with tolerance, Love and Peace. Greed with Happiness or Satisfaction. Attachment can be taken care of with power to withdraw (detach) and let go. Jealousy and Competition with Acceptance, Cooperation, Self realization, judgment and self empowerment. Hatred with Love. Fear with Power. Depression with Happiness and Bliss. Any vice which we want to counter, should be replaced by a virtue, good habit or Sanskar in our minds. This will change our personality, help create not only a good image but also shall help us to face the situation. Let us make sincere efforts in this direction and emerge as a pure, powerful, peaceful, blissful soul, free from any vice.


Let us recapitulate what we have discussed so far. In short, the summary would be as follows:
We have seen who am I? What is God or Almighty? What are our true original qualities? What are the evils or Vices within us who harm us by changing our personality? What can we do about it? And how we can emerge as a pure soul?

One additional input shall be:
While living in this world, we should not forget 3 basic rules viz. Laws of nature:
1. Action is followed by Response / Reaction.  2. Effects must have a cause.  3. As we think so we become (Vichar, Uchhar, and Aachar).

If we can understand and remember these 3 natural laws, life can be quite smooth.

Last but not the least, let us discuss about "Karmic Accounts". If we do only good or right things and do no harm others, we shall not attract any bad waves. If we do something wrong or harmful to others, we are bound to get punished sometime or other. It may not be immediate but in the long run, we shall have to bear the pain or punishment. Whatever hardships we are facing today, is the result of our past wrong deeds or "karmic accounts" created. So, we should do good or right deeds today to create our future destiny. That is in our hands. Don't blame anyone for your sufferings. It's your own creation. We can do something good today and in future, to have a desired destiny for tomorrow or later. Also, we should always do the good things that are in our hands. What is not in our hands shouldn't become a hindrance and create negative feelings in our mind. Our past is not in our hands. Probably, it was due my own Karma carried out by me knowingly or unknowingly. Let us own the responsibility of our past Karmas without unnecessarily crying over the spilt milk. But, my future is in my hands. Let us work on that. We must have patience to get good results of our good present and future Karmas. Sometimes, it takes pretty long time. But, results will come. If not in this life, in next life or lives. Let us be patient and do our own share of Duties. Rights will follow automatically. Almighty wants people like you to keep doing their good works without getting frustrated due surrounding environment and help Almighty to do Almighty's own work of running this Universe smoothly. People like you have been entrusted to carry out some special assignments by the Almighty and have been given special talents. So, it's a Duty assigned by Almighty and cannot be ignored due to stray incidents of frustrating experiences.
These are my feelings created with my experiences in life. You are a different soul and may or may not agree with this. But that's your prerogative or a CHOICE:
Thank you for a patient reading till the end. 




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